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Linea Park: Week 5 – Mini-Game Gala Tutorial

Linea Park has launched the 5th week of quests dedicated to free-to-play mini games. The main goal is to expand web3 gaming and create a minimum entry threshold for both beginners and experienced gamers. This week, we will be fulfilling this quests on this page.

I would also like to remind you that if you have not yet started completing tasks with Linea Park, it is not too late to join. Bonus tasks for missed weeks should be available before the end of the campaign.

So don’t delay and read these detailed guides to the weeks ahead: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4.

Omnizone Attraction at Linea Park [40 LXP]

  • Visit the website and connect your wallet, scroll down and press on [Mint your Badge] (Cost: ~$0.75)
  • Then visit Layer3 and click on [Verify] button

Battlemon [40 LXP]

  • Visit this website and connect wallet.
  • [Follow] on Twitter (X) and [Join] to Telegram. Then click on [Mint] button and confirm transaction. (Cost: ~$0.39)
  • Now visit Layer3 and click on [Verify] button

Dexsport [0 LXP]

  • Just click on [Open YouTube] and click [Verify]

Discover Galaxia Studios Games [10 LXP]

Note: If your Discord profile not linked to Layer3, you need to link it in profile settings to complete this quest.

Play Nouns [40 LXP]

  • Go to the game
  • After game loading click [Connect Wallet], then enter nickname and click [Enter World]
  • Use [arrow buttons] or [A/W/S/D] to move in the game and move to house and press [E] button to enter.
  • After entering, use [A/D] keys or [Left / Right] arrows to move figure above. Then press [Space] button to release it down. Your goal is to make identical shapes that will turn into other shapes when combined. To finish the task quickly. Simply fill the jar with shapes.
  • When the jar is full, you will see a popup like this. Click [Post Score] then [Claim] and confirm the transaction in the wallet. (Cost: ~$0.26)

Unfettered Awakening Quest [40 LXP]

This quest can be done cheaper but more complicated and more expensive but simple. Let’s do it step by step.

  • Visit game website and click [Connect Wallet], then [Create an account] and register. Next log in to the created account using username and password.

Option 1: More expensive but faster (Cost: ~$2.50)

  • Primary Quest: Click on [Linea Park Quests] scroll on the right side, then in tab [Awakening Expedition] mint Expedition Legacy NFT by click on [MINT]. It allow you skip 10 minutes in Survival Mode to complete primary quest. (Cost: ~$1.50)
  • Bonus Quest: Next, you need to play the game once. It is important to choose a character named “Liana”. Click on Liane icon and press [Rent] in opened popup. Start to pass the level and quickly die.
  • Go to the main menu and click on the scroll again, select the [New Skin or Bounty] section on the right side of the screen, and click [Mint] NFT. (Cost: ~$1)

Option 2: More difficult but cheaper for challenge lovers (Cost: ~$0.59)

At this option, we will not have a division into primary and bonus quests, because they will be performed immediately.

  • Click [Play] button in main menu. Select your character and click [Next].
  • Next select weapon, press on [Bow] (first weapon) and click [Next], then [Survival Mode] and [Play] to start the game.
  • You need to survive for 10 minutes. It may be a little difficult the first time.
  • To control the character, use the AWSD and mouse buttons, press LMB to shoot.
  • After you have spent 10 minutes and destroyed 100 banshees, go to the main menu and click on the scroll
  • Now, in both quests [Awakening Expedition] and [New Skin and Bounty], click on [Challenge Way] and click on the [Mint] button. (Costs: Primary quest ~$0.29; Bonus: ~$0.30)
  • Go to Layer3 and click [Verify] button

Survival Tips

How to survive for 10 minutes? The only normal tactic that worked right away was to cover one side of the map, for example, I went almost to the edge of the left side so that enemies could not appear from that side. If you stand in the middle of the map, they will attack you from everywhere and it will be very difficult not to lose concentration. Especially when mages attack.

Next, we destroy the enemies, and while doing so, our level is pumped up. Let’s adjust the following parameters: Max Bullets count, Movement Speed, Life Steal, Increase Armor, Attack Speed, and if your HP has dropped below half, take Max HP to restore your health.

To complete the bonus quest, you have to focus on destroying the banshees, which are light enemies. All others are dark. Banshees are destroyed in one shot, you need to destroy 100. The progression is shown on the left side of the screen, the last quest.

If the enemies start pressuring you, try to move away from them and be the first to destroy the mages, because they attack with ranged attacks.

Survive the Dungeon [5 LXP]

Go here and click [Continue] to skip intro, then click on [Open Youtube] and watch video. Now return back and click [Verify] (Cost: Free)

Layer3 at Linea Park [75 LXP]

Primary: Collect CUBEs on Linea

  • Firstly go to this quest from Layer3 to complete it.
  • Go to Satori swap and make swap from ETH to USDC (Cost: ~$0.10)
  • That’s all we need to do for this quest, click [Continue] all next stages. And at the last stage Claim Rewards, confirm the transaction. (Cost: ~$0.50)
  • Next, return back to Layer3 at Linea Park quest and click [Verify] to receive 65 LXP.

BONUS: Complete your Profile

  • Go to your Layer3 profile setting and connect your email or discord / twitter.
  • Return back to the quest and click [Verify] to receive 10 LXP
What are the costs of completing quests?

I did quests with Linea gas at 1.2-1.5 gwei and it cost me about $3.09 in total