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Initia Testnet – Importan Update!

Initia is a network that advances blockchain technology by integrating MoveVM and the Cosmos Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol, ensuring seamless interoperability between its L1 and L2 layers.

Currently, Initia is running an 8-week testnet campaign, and we wrote a detailed guide on how to participate in this article.

What were the important changes?

The Initia network will now use a new token for paying for gasGAS. The previous token INIT can be used as before for exchanges, staking, liquidity pool, etc.

The new GAS token can be obtained from faucet once every 24 hours. But now you need to connect your Gitcoin Passport to request test tokens.

  • To request GAS tokens from the faucet, you need to have at least 3 points of Gitcoin Passport score.
  • The number of received tokens will depend proportionally on the points in Gitcoin Passport.