Home / Testnet / Step-by-Step Guide for AlienX Testnet with Potential Airdrop

Step-by-Step Guide for AlienX Testnet with Potential Airdrop

AlienX is a high-performance stacking blockchain powered by artificial intelligence nodes that intends to promote the widespread use of NFTs and gaming.

AlienX was founded by AlienSwap, Offchain Labs, and Caldera with a $12.0M funding round.

Getting started

Go to the AlienX, connect your Metamask and complete the task:

Faucet ETH on HAL Testnet to earn 10 $ALIEN [Daily]

  1. Receive test tokens. To do this, connect and sign in to Discord and Twitter. Then click [Verify];
  2. [Daily] Make retweet and click [Verify]. Receive 0,01 ETH and 2 $ALIEN every day.

Claim HAL Testnet Badge and earn 5 $ALIEN [Daily]

  1. Make a retweet by click on [Retweet] button and press [Verify]
  2. Next, click on [Mint] button:
    • Approve adding AlienX Hal network to your Metamask and switch network to AlienX;
    • Confirm transaction in AlienX Hal network;
  3. Click [Verify] after minting.

Bridge HAL Testnet β‡Œ Sepolia ETH to earn 10 $ALIEN

  1. Request test ETH tokens from one of following faucets:
  2. Bridge Sepolia ETH tokens via official bridge 5 times. The amount of ETH for the bridge on your choice;
  3. Click [Verify] button 5 times to receive 10 $ALIEN for 5 transactions.

Stake to earn 100 $ALIEN (Real assets are required)

Here you need to stake ETH in the amount of at least $20. If you want to take this step, use the Arbitrum One network, it’s cheaper.

Deploy testnet contract to earn 20 $ALIEN

This step is a little more complicated than the others, so just do what I did. As asked in the task, we need to create 2 types of contracts. NFT and Token.

Create an NFT smart contract

  1. Visit Remix IDE;
  2. Click on [contracts] folder to expand it and click on button to create new file and name it MyNFT and press [Enter] to create it;
  1. Now copy the code from this gist and paste it to create file;
  2. Next go to [Solidity Compiller] make sure Compiler version is set 0.8.25 or newest and click [Compile MyNFT.sol]. If everything was compiled successfully you’ll see green check mark;
  1. Then, go to [Deploy & run transactions] and select in [Environment] value Injected Provider – Metamask;
  2. Make sure in the [Contract] field that the contract you created is selected and active network in your Metamask is AlienX Hal. It’s important!
  3. If everything is as I indicated, feel free to click on the [Deploy] button and confirm transaction in your wallet.

Create an token smart contract

Everything is very similar to the previous steps, the only difference is the name of the contract and some variables.

  1. Create file in [contracts] folder with name MyToken
  2. Past code from this gist to created file;
  3. You can change you token name and ticker here:
  1. And Deploy it in the same way as with the NFT smart contract.
  2. That’s it for contracts. Go to the AlienX quest and click [Verify] to get $20 ALIEN for creating these smart contracts.

Buy NFT on AlienSwap to earn 10 $ALIEN

  1. Go to AlienSwap and change network to Alienx Hal
  1. Then go to this collection and buy 5 NFTs;
  2. Return back to the quest and click [Verify] 5 times.

Swap on DeTrade to earn 20 $ALIEN

  1. Go to DeTrade and make 5 swaps $ALIEN to ETH,USDC,ARB in Alienx Hal network;
  2. Add 5 different pairs to liquidity pool ALIEN/ETH,ALIEN/USDC,ALIEN/ARB LP;
  1. Return to the quest and click [Verify] 5 times for swaps and liqudity to receive 20 $ALIEN.

Open Free SpellBox to earn 10$ ALIEN (Real assets are required)

  1. Go to SpellGuru and complete simple social quests;
  2. After that, the button below the image will turn yellow. Click on it and sign the transaction. (Important: This transaction is paid, and it will cost β‰ˆ$0.30 in the Arbitrum One network. And you will receive only 2 $ALIEN for it. Therefore, perform this task at your own choice)

Claim of earned $ALIEN

After completing the quests, don’t forget to make a [Claim] of the received tokens so that they are added to your wallet balance.


Testnet is fast and has clear tasks that are quickly checked. I recommend starting it if you haven’t already. A strong team with experience is working on the project, and it has a lot of support. As far as I know, it won’t take long and time is running out. I wish you all the best, take care of yourself and DYOR.

Is it free?

Yes, it’s testnet phase. But there are certain costly tasks that you can choose to perform.

How long does it take to complete a tasks?

~20 minutes. Perhaps even faster.