Home / DeFi / Linea: Last Rush. Step by step guide

Linea: Last Rush. Step by step guide

The Linea team announced the event at $LXP here. They briefly described what to do.

Tasks for 100 $LXP are presented on the Intract platform.

Step by step Guide

Deadline: 19th Sep;

Task 1: Provide liquidity to Zero/ETH on Nile (atleast $15)

  1. (If don’t have Zero tokens) Go to Nile Swap and exchange any other tokens to Zero in the amount of about $8;
Nile Build swap ETH for Zero token
  1. Next go to Zero/ETH liquidity pool and enter the amount of Zero for more than $7.5 and click [Add Liquidity & Stake] and confirm transactions;
Nile Build add liquidity to ETH - Zero pool
  1. Then return to the Intract quest and click [Verify] button under this task;
Provide liquidity to Zero ETH on Nile verify task
  1. Next go to your ETH / Zero liquidity pool and make Withdraw;
Nile Build remove liquidity from ETH - Zero pool
  1. Then go to [Swap] and swap you Zero tokens to ETH.

Task 2: Provide liquidity to Nile/ETH on Nile (atleast $15)

To perform this task, make similar actions to 1st quest. Just instead of Zero we need Nile token.

  1. Go to Nile swap and make swap ETH or other tokens to Nile in the amount over $7.5;
  2. Then, go to the Nile/ETH liquidity pool and deposit your tokens for a total amount of at least $15 and confirm all incoming transactions;
  3. Visit Intract quest and click [Verify] button under this task;
  4. Now, we need return back our funs. In this case we need to start with click on [Stake/Unstake] button;
Nile Build remove stake ETH Nile pair location
  1. And click [Unstake] tab > [100%] and click [Unstake] button and confirm transaction;
Nile Build unstake ETH Nile pair steps
  1. Next go to your ETH / Nile liquidity pool and make Withdraw similar to first task;
  2. Then go to [Swap] and swap you Nile tokens to ETH back.

Task 3: Supply any asset on Linea on Zerolend

  1. Go to Zeroland;
  2. Make sure selected [Linea Market] if not, switch it;
  3. Click [Supply] button on ETH in “Assets to supply”;
  4. Enter amount of ETH for at least $15 and press [Supply ETH];
Zeroland supply ETH
  1. Make sure [Collateral] in the ETH row is enabled (green);
  2. Go Intract quest and click [Verify] button under this task;
  3. Next Withdraw your ETH from supplies by click on [Withdraw] in supplies list;
Zeroland Withdraw ETH from supplies

Task 4: Stake Zero/ETH on Zerolend (Any amount)

Important: This task will lock your Zero/ETH LP for minimum 3 month.

  1. First, you need Zero/ETH LP token, go to Task 1 above and add Zero/ETH tokens to liquidity pool on Niel and return back;
    • I’ve added 1,000 Zero token to pair and it was verified for this task;
  2. Go to Zeroland Stake and press [Stake Zero/ETH LP];
  3. Enter [Amount] of LP to stake (I added $0.40 worth of liquidity for a test. This also accomplished this task);
  4. Select [Lock Duration], I prefer 3 month;
  5. And press [Approve ETH/ZERO] button and confirm all transaction (If you have too much transaction fails, try to increase the gas).
Zeroland add Zero ETH LP to stake


Quests are completed quickly. To complete all the activities, you only need $20. $15 for the task limit and ≈$2 for the price difference and transaction fees. I hope this is the last quest to collect LXP.

Good luck, and DYOR.

How much money do you need to complete this quest?

You need $20. $15 for the task limit and ≈$2 for the price difference and transaction fees.

How long does it take to complete the quest?

15 to 20 minutes

What to do if the transaction fails?

Try again. If this happens several times in a row, increase the gas in the transaction settings.
