Home / Mainnet / Get a free domain from Linea & ENS

Get a free domain from Linea & ENS

Who passed Linea POH and was active in Linea’s network and campaigns. You can already book your free domain from Linea x ENS.

  1. Go to Linea Name Service and click [Connect] button. Then connect your wallet in Linea Mainnet network;
  1. Next, in input field Enter your desired domain name to order and click on it;
  1. If you successfully passed Linea POH you’ll see [Valid] notice in next page, then press [Register] button;
  1. In next page click [Skip profile] then press [Begin] and [Open Wallet]. Now confirm transaction in your wallet to confirm provided details for domain registration;
  2. Wait 60 seconds;
  3. Next, press [Finish] and [Open Wallet] and confirm second transaction to order your domain name. (Fee: ≈$0.08)

After that, you will see a message about the successful purchase of your domain.


If you are actively doing all the activities in the Linea network with me, I don’t recommend missing this opportunity. It is cheap, but it can play an important role in the distribution of the Linea crypto airdrop.

What are the costs for this activity?


How long is this domain available for?

It is granted for 3 years

Is this the official Name Service from Linea?

Yes, it is official Name Service from Linea.